Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Top Things Web Developers should Know about the Visual Studio 2013 Release

With Microsoft releasing the Visual Studio 2013, there is a lot of speculation among the developers regarding the usage of the new features that come with this highly integrated development platform. Now, the integrated development environment, by virtue of several of its features such as that of CodeLens and so on, promises higher level of productivity and more efficient way of work. Having said that, the developers must learn about the most important things about this integrated development environment in order to be able to make the most out of it. Here is a quick overview of the top things the developers must know regarding the release of the VS 2013.

  • Though a basic aspect, many are unaware of the fact that the VS 2013 is actually available for download on both the MSDN subscriber as well as the respective site.
  • VS 2013 is integrated with the newest version of the ASP.NET, which further includes SignalR 2.0, ASP.NET MVC 5, Razor 3, Entity Framework 6 along with the ASP.NET Web API 2.
  • This latest version of the integrated development environment works as a perfect editor for all kinds of web files such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript, LESS, Markdown, Handlebars, Angular, Knockdown and so on.
  • The VS 2013 is also incorporated with a brand new identity system, new templates that are based on Bootstrap and a new scaffolding system. Developers must be aware about these core features in order to exploit the platform in the most desirable manner.
  • The 2013 version installs simultaneously with that of the 2012 version and hence, facilitates easy round- tripping between the VS versions. Thus, developers are not required to commit to a switch for the purpose.
  • The recent releases of ASP.NET put utmost focus upon One ASP.NET and this ensures that the web tools along with the core features work in very much the same manner across the various platforms.

While the above- mentioned points are certainly on top of the list of the most important things developers must know about the Visual Studio 2013, there are other features that are worth taking note of.

The VS 2013 has work item charting facility that enables developers to form charts rather quickly while also visualizing the data from the work item queries. In fact, various charts can be created such as that of the tasks, bugs and user stories from the work item queries.

Quite similarly, creation as well as management of the modern business applications becomes quite hassle- free with the newest version of the integrated environment. These applications extend the Office 365 experience and help people interact better with the artifacts, business processes and other systems.

Last but certainly not the least, the new version has a security feature called the ASP.NET Identity. This Identity system comes across as the new membership system for the different types of applications. The primary features of the identity system, some of which are mentioned below, are also important points to be considered by the developers all over:
  • Social Login Providers
  • Easy control over data storage
  • Easy control of user and profile schemas
  • Support for claims-based authentication
  • Testability
Alongside the already mentioned features and characteristics of the Visual Studio 2013, there are many things that the developers are expected to know when it comes to exploiting this platform. The newest version of this integrated development environment is meant to be of several benefits though these advantages can be derived only by ensuring the perfect use of the same. Keeping track of the way the features work and then handling them is of immense necessity for the developers in this regard. You can hire developers from top ASP.NET web development companies in India who can help you build web applications within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide .Net development services. If you want to hire dot net programmers for your projects, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

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